Sunday, August 4, 2013

From The Author: Week in the Life


Suzanne and I now in the midst of doing the final requirements for the Peace Corps and preparing to leave for South Africa for 27 months. There is lots to do; final medical and dental clearance ( including shots and eye tests, and full physical-a real one). While some is reimbursable we may need to pay up front costs out of pocket. And there is the equipment needed such as netting for bugs, sleeping bags and tent, solar shower. Some we can pick up once there and other things here before we leave. Our invitation has a detailed list describing what is needed and suggested when to purchase.

We are talking to two people about sitting the house and waiting to hear. Then there is how to keep the vehicle tax current while out of the country for an extended time. Suzanne has asked her son about being a trustee and we are talking to the neighbors about ongoing mail and working with a local tax accountant to figure things out and watch over while we are gone. It is much simpler to do all of this in your twenties, but worth the effort.

We have been pruning as the property blooms and stops. Another burn pile is ready to go and we are planning to seal the windows, which we have discovered were not sealed properly between the vinyl siding and window frame. But the property is coming along.

This last week we did three beautiful bicycle rides. The first was seven miles on back-local roads around Brevard, a nearby town. The second was out through country roads for ten miles around Etowah. Today we did the Swamp Rabbit Trail connecting Travelers Rest, SC to Greenville, SC for about 11 or 12 miles. The last was the easiest along a paved path and almost no hill at all. Bicycle rides are nicer right now due to all the rain in the mountains. The hiking trails have turned into mud and water making for soggy hiking.

We are looking at different cost for going north to Maine for Suzanne's mother's birthday. We may drive, train, fly or a combination of all. We have been invited by friends to stop and say hello on our way up and down. And it will be over two years before we do this again, so we want to go and need to look at the pennies to figure out how we go.

I start a new job next weekend doing show and tell at Walmart. I will be one of those people offering treats while you shop or show you a new gismo to help around the house.

We look for sun and decide what to go play. It has been raining that much in WNC. But we are here and loving it.

Take Care


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