Sunday, August 11, 2013

From The Author: Sunday evening

Hello from North Carolina:

The week has been wet and sunny with thunder storms in the afternoon and evening. In between the rain drops and rolls of thunder Suzanne and I did a bike ride, aborted a hike as it started to rain at the start but discovered a nice antique store in Chimney Rock, NC., and went dancing. We celebrated with ice cream.

All in all it has been a good week. We organized the garage by taking every thing off the shelves and work bench, took the shelves down and started bringing them down from Jolly Green Giant height to Suzanne height. We will continue this tomorrow and hopefully get everything up off the middle of the garage floor and onto shelves in an organized manner.

I completed my first week at  WALMART as a demonstrator. It is interesting and people watching is fun for character development.

Suzanne and I are busy completing the check list for Peace Corps and preparing for South Africa sojourn. We have decided on whom to have sit the house. He is a person we met since moving here and have had lunch with three times and worked together in the garage.

We are reviewing the volunteer book for the Peace Corps to become better acquainted with the aspirations and expectations for Staging. Our pass ports and visa applications are sent. Doctors and dentists appointments are made. We have an appointment with the County Health Department to start the shots needed.

Suzanne is busy with jewelry.  Her designs are well accepted and selling. She can be proud of her work and efforts in marketing.

That is it for now.


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