Monday, March 9, 2015

From the Author: homecoming

Twenty-one days and Suzanne and I leave for America to visit Chloe, our granddaughter, son and daughter in law and family. The days are being counted and soon the plane will take off. Are we anxious, excited; yes.

Still in the garage and waiting on word for new housing. It pre occupies more of our thoughts and time than liked, but that is the case. Last night we attended a healing service and were blessed along with our travel papers; both plane and bus tickets. The oil was so much it washed into my eyes and I had to lean forward to keep it off my clothes. Suzanne did the same. We do feel blessed. Safe is another issue.

The ZaZi and Brothers for Life sessions come to a close at the one church this Sunday. If everyone comes there will be 14 certificates to hand out and a small celebration. The church where we are attending services and the local High School expressed interest and we said we would  start a program when we return from vacation. I also have a lady asking about Grass Roots Soccer for kids that play after school in her yard. We know her through church and the clinic where she works. We said in May when we return. So, our return will be busy when we land.

It is Autumn here. The nights are comfortable, not cold but comfortable. The days are warm. The rains have stopped with maybe a few more storms between now and the end of March. The locals say it sometimes rains in April.

We finish the Child Headed Household class at the high school this Thursday and talking to them about what else they may like. It took four visits but once started it has proven to be rewarding.

Still waiting to hear on the permacultural gardening classes and how many the care workers help to install. We walk by one in Khumbula where a class was held and see it is not being watered except if it rains. At a meeting the coordinators reported at the other sites said the other gardens were doing well.

Housing is the issue right now. Both of us are not doing well due to the mold in the house. We have seen the doctor and reported to Peace Corps Medical but no place has been found to date. The problem is money. We have made a plan that we shared with our Peace Corps Supervisor and they have nodded yes, so we will see what happens when we return from vacation and are in Pretoria for Mid Service Training the end of April.

It was a harvest moon the other night. It hung in the sky full.

That is it for us.

Marty and Suzanne

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