Saturday, September 21, 2013

From the Author: Rainy Days

Rain today kept us inside. Suzanne did her craft fair and sold jewelry. She was successful as it should be. Tonight is clean up after a month of hard work.

The plants that have been move are happy.They are getting rained on. After so long a period of rain we had a break, but the rain is needed.

I finished my stint at WalMart yesterday. I completed sixty hours which is all that is allowed without exceeding our tax liability. It is very funny to avoid work because you cannot earn any more without paying more tax and doing it all for free, actually paying for it if not careful. I am sure the bean counters can explain this logic. But it is one of many adjustments that comes with retirement.

The next week is getting immunizations at public health. The shots and lab tests are required by Peace Corps. It is the last stage to determine if we get to go to South Africa. It is exciting.

That is about it.


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